Members of the editorial Board

Иматова Л.М. 13.00.01 doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Dosent
Каримова И . Х. 13.00.01 doctor of pedagogical Sciences, academician of the Academy of
education of Tajikistan, Professor
Лутфуллозода М. 13.00.02 doctor of pedagogical Sciences, academician of the Academy of
education of  Tajikistan, Professor
Шарифзода Ф. 13.00.01 doctor of pedagogical Sciences, academician of the Academy of
education of  Tajikistan, Professor
Нуъмонов М. 13.00.02 doctor of pedagogical Sciences, corresponding member of the
Academy of education of  Tajikistan, Professor
Шербоев С. 13.00.02 doctor of pedagogical Sciences, corresponding member of the
Academy of education of  Tajikistan, Professor
Маҷидова Б. 13.00.01 doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor
Неъматов С. 13.00.02 doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor
Гулмадов Ф. 13.00.01 doctor of pedagogical Sciences
Зиёӣ Х. М. 09.00.00 doctor of philosophy, Professor
Туронов С.Ш. 13.00.01 candidate of pedagogics Sciences
Амонов Н. 19.00.01 candidate of psychological Sciences, Dosent
Маҳкамов Д. 13.00.01 candidate of pedagogics Sciences

The journal is registered in the Ministry of culture of the Republic of Tajikistan, certificate ^.027/МҶ-97, dated November 13, 2017